It was a car modification company – AC propulsion – they sold kits to make your car electric
It was a car modification company – AC propulsion – they sold kits to make your car electric
I think America needs an American solution for this American problem
I always wondered about how that monument in Civilisations games lets you change government type with no turns lost to riots
I guess we get to see if that works IRL
That doesn’t work. People with crap lives often can’t meet the standards of goodness that many forms of Christianity need for you to be qualified for heaven
Depends on the flavour of Christianity
At one end unforgiven sins condemn you to the ancient Greek underworld, slightly modified
At the other end you land in limbo if you haven’t been perfect for a time that fits, thence to heaven for the rest of forever
Beyond that end, their god is infinitely forgiving so everyone goes straight to heaven.
Don’t worry, they don’t read the Bible, and especially don’t read the old testament.
They believe they have god given freedom of action
Thanks. It’s been decades since my last bit of mainstream Catholic education