Maybe your ISP uses cg-nat and you can ask them to opt-out or find and ISP with this option.
Maybe your ISP uses cg-nat and you can ask them to opt-out or find and ISP with this option.
Nope, it is the same. Bittorrent have a lot more users than eMule and then you have more possibilities to find a peer with ports forwarded. 2 peers Without port forwarded can not share content.
The problem with HighID/LowID on eMule is the same on bittorrent or any other p2p, you need someone with port forwarding to upload/download content. In my case I am out of cg-nat and sharing 24/7.
Ed2k/kad network still have good health with new and old stuff
Well usually FHD, good availability of recent and old stuff, there is a good community of French, Italian and Spanish stuff with English sub. Probably if you prefer 4k and above, torrent is better.
My main use is movies, shows and books. And it is perfectly fine.
Mldonkey have been updated on August 2024 and it is available on gnu/linux, mac and windows.
I am not saying about this article in concret, just saying the writer is not trustworthy in general. The majority of his articles have bias to russian side. And I stopped reading when I viewed his name. And again, spanish mass media not the best option for this topic.
All of his articles are based on information from the Russian Ministry of Defense. Russia always adapts, advances, and triumphs from its perspective, and that’s not true. Spanish mass media it is not best option to stay informed about the war. Alberto Rojas from elmundo is more imparcial.
The writer is always supporting russian side and spreading russian propaganda in all his articles. Not trustworthy.
You are right, in this video have good explanations.