is it Good RAM, or Goo DRAM?
Or maybe go o’ a dram?
is it Good RAM, or Goo DRAM?
Or maybe go o’ a dram?
Here’s the original article this one is referencing
The Canadian office of Lockheed Martin had no immediate comment. A spokesperson said that the F-35 has, in effect, already created jobs in Canada because some 110 suppliers have played a role in the F-35’s global supply chain since the project was launched more than two decades ago.
Lockheed Martin did not offer to build the F-35 in Canada, or specifically guarantee Canadian jobs. Instead, it announced a competitive process where the F-35 “partner nations” could bid on supplying components to the jet or offer research and development programs.
It’s not clear what the jobs they’re offering to create are.
Saab is also not commenting on whether or not they’re renewing their original bid for the gripen which would have created 6000 jobs in Canada.
Yeah, they’d only have one direction to build pipelines in and the US would do whatever they could to rat fuck Alberta into joining the union.
There’s no chance they can exist independently.
Noah Alter, a spokesperson for Canada Proud, defends the Carney-Epstein ads, insisting the group never accused the prime minister of participating in Epstein’s crimes, but is instead simply asking questions.
Oh, just asking questions, they should prove themselves the negative of our proof less accusations!
Come on, this still qualifies as defamation in Canada, they should get sued for it.
Aren’t those photos all fake?
How is that not libel?
I kinda read it like people saying they couldn’t face a $200 expense.
At face value they feel that in a poll, but in reality when you sit down and look at hard options in earnest things become different.
That’s not to totally dismiss it, but I think this is an under estimate of the real number of companies that will survive.
I do think it will be rough, and I hope I can do whatever part to help make things better these next years.
Future wars look like they’re going to be more and more about who can last longer in wars of attrition and manufacturing, so this is a good bet in my books too.
If Canada is playing défense in a war, we’re going to need to force it to be asymmetrical and distributed with drones like Ukraine is doing.
This is why I voted for him and donated to his campaign to lead the liberals and I have zero regrets.
I’m also going to be donating to the upcoming federal election, which I’ve never done before.
I see Trump has graduated from grade 2 “give me toys now” strategy to grade 3 reverse psychology.
Yeah. Tells me our government is working.
If he stops being adversarial on every situation and threatening us then we’ll be friendly, like we are with every other country.
J’aime le Québec
My family is French Canadian, I love Quebec food and culture.
I hope Quebec sees that they’re a critical part of this country and help make Canada great. Before Trudeau’s resignation the fact that the Bloc was set to become the official opposition I think also shows they do have a strong voice and their opinion can sway the entire country.
What the hell happened at that meeting where he’s gone from threatening to shut off electricity to “it’s a compliment” they want to annex us?
Fuck off, we already tried giving them what they want, they changed it.
Here comes the “special military operation”, but it’s not a declaration of war so he doesn’t need congressional approval.
I hate that they’re trying to lump trans people in with pedophiles.
Republicans can go fuck themselves. Every single one of them, and every single person who voted for them.
Signed: a Canadian who’s probably had one too many beers this evening.
We tried a vegan baking recipe that used ground flax seeds instead of eggs
I can’t remember how it worked out, but now I have flax seeds in my breakfast daily and have been enjoying that.
Vegan recipes use some pretty neat ingredients.
Why does this consistently keep happening but only to republicans?
They should include in the title he got arrested for trying to solicit sex for minors, not the bill.
I think even most republicans think pedophiles are bad.
Edit: I think I misread your comment! Sorry in advance, I thought you were saying Ontario didn’t have good beer.
Original content:
That’s not true at all, you probably don’t even have to go very far to find a good brewery near you, in every major town and city in the province.
Just to name fantastic breweries I’ve personally been to: Bicycle, Muskoka Brewery, Small Pony, Whiskeyjack, Gateway City, Tooth and Nail, Whitewater.
Yeah, IPAs were super popular during the start of the microbrew days, but these days there is so much diversity in Ontario beer.
If you want something lighter have a Creemore pilsner, Mill St Organic, a Farmers Daughter wheat beer, a small pony sour, or a Whisjeyjack Cold Front. Want something heavier, go for a Beaus or a Calabogie brown cow. Want an IPA pick up Muskoka Detour or a Flying Monkey.
Seriously we have a ton of good beer that’s worth trying.
Canada strongly needs this, and to expand our own cloud data centres.
It is going to be very difficult for businesses to move off US tech when everything is running on AWS and GC.
I would support us integrating with the EU for this. France and Germany’s programs are already having great looking open source tools getting released. I would love to be a part of that too.
- What good are “bilateral talks” with someone that can’t keep their word anyway ?
Then logically your first quesiton doesn’t matter anyway.
We’re tired of you abusing Alberta’s land, let us abuse land in all the other provinces and at least one territory (for some reason)?