That’s not the point. They want to sell MORE on the inflated prices and make MORE money. It’s always moremoremore with these sick fucks. Egg prices will never come down again if they know you’ll pay for them.
Basic economics and understanding that reducing demand reduces prices is… not US citizens strong suit.
Instead we have seniors driving in circles around town wasting gas looking for cheap eggs. It’s fucking insanity.
I never ate many eggs to begin with, so the whole god damned thing blows my fucking mind. It was not hard to be like "welp, not buying those anymore.*
It’s a chicken and egg problem here. You’re saying that prices never fall because people don’t lower demand, but I would instead argue that Americans don’t seem to understand that reduced demand lowers prices simply because we have literally never once seen that actually happen in practice due to corporate greed.
one weird trick to save money on eggs: go vegan, my eggspenses are $0/month
We tried a vegan baking recipe that used ground flax seeds instead of eggs
I can’t remember how it worked out, but now I have flax seeds in my breakfast daily and have been enjoying that.
Vegan recipes use some pretty neat ingredients.
Out of G20, America has highest egg prices and Russia has the lowest. You have Trump to thank for this.
America is going to have to paint artificial eggs this Easter.
People are underestimating the importance of eggs. While it’s okay to go without needing to eat them on their own, they are usually essential for numerous baking recipes and other recipes in general. Like okay good for you that you don’t need them or anything because there’s other and better foods out there that can provide protein. Feels like every comment section where eggs is the topic, there’s always a bunch of virtue signaling people or people lecturing others that they don’t need it and go to their lifestyle anyways.
Eggs are super easy to replace in any recipe
I haven’t tried them with a cheesecake, but kroger has powdered egg substitutes that cost $6 a bag and are the equivalent of about 50 eggs for something like brownies, cakes, cookies, and bread. No one has ever noticed a difference when i bake using it.