Yeah I’ll see if I can find some later on.
Yeah I’ll see if I can find some later on.
That’s not the double down, he kept posting big huge paragraphs praising the Republican party and using some very maga-soindijg sound bites. I’ll try to come back to this later and provide some sources that actually reference some of the now-deleted posts, I’m currently stuck in a waiting room. Not gonna try to do that level of research on a phone lol.
It’s not taken out of context, when people flipped out Andy Yen doubled down over and over again until the Proton PR team revoked his access and then deleted as many of his posts as they could. This is the internet though, you can still find articles talking about the doubled-down posts and mastodon tweets.
It’s a chicken and egg problem here. You’re saying that prices never fall because people don’t lower demand, but I would instead argue that Americans don’t seem to understand that reduced demand lowers prices simply because we have literally never once seen that actually happen in practice due to corporate greed.