Loved Odyssey and Origins was quite good. Valhalla was too long, too much. Granted I’ve never been into the Thor/Odin pantheon like some people, Tom Middleton’s Loki being the exception. The sheer amount of game (completionist) made me not want to engage Mirage or Shadows.
Aside from that general opinion, AC games are usually spot on for people who can only ingest 2hrs at a time, like it’s their daily or bi-daily TV binge allotment.
The challenge side quests. I could not pursue them in full. Not that the speed runs didn’t have enjoyment, it was just too much. And the brother was both irrational and grating to deal with for that long.
The Mirage info is simultaneously reassuring and infuriating. The latter for money reasons given probable content expectations after Odyssey and Valhalla.