you mean you’ve gained bargaining power?
I left my last job and trained the guy that I wanted them to promote, but they needed a second person to replace me. I just heard they now have 3 people doing my job.
I was quite well paid (95k)but I’d rather get paid half as much now to leave work at work after 8 hours and never have work emails or calls or meetings on my own time ever again.
When everything runs smoothly thanks to your contribution it becomes the new norm. Then management expects things to just work that way and whoever they hire next is fucked.
Lucky them. My company is attempting the Jenga strategy. How many core people can leave without replacement before it all crumbles. They’re absolutely confident they can just hire some people once it’s clear that it’s all falling apart and those people will be able to save the tower before it falls.
There’s no way they’re spending less on those three people than they spent on you.
Good for you for consciously deciding what you want your work-life balance to look like. But also remember this for salary negotiations: 3 people x 50k is 150k. And those three people also need time to coordinate among themselves. The value you were bringing to the company at that point was at least 200k.
Accidentally became
importantmore expensive at workYou stop being able to fail upwards when you become too important to promote.
Whatever you do don’t let them see the fire of Kier in you!
Is this show any good?
Very good. People will say that Season 2 isn’t as good, but that’s only because Season 1 is a masterpiece. There was no way to match that, but it’s still great.
It’s fantastic
Its losing itself a bit but still quite good.
Haven’t watched the finale yet, but I agree Season Two has dragged.
They created a lot of intrigue in S1 and now they have to have a payoff
“Devour Feculence” was pretty much the highlight of season 2 for me. I have a weird soft spot for Mr. Milchick.
You are using way too many big words.
Personal opinion first season was very, very good.
Also personal opinion second season was more middling but had some high points, including the finale sort of wrapping up some of the weaker ideas.
Also, I am very biased because I have lived in the same areas as the creator of the show and there’s endless local references that unless you’ve lived in many of the cities on the coast of Washington you wouldn’t immediately recognize.
For example the big bad evil oligarch family is named after a local chain of burger places in the creators hometown.
What’s the show?
Severance. It‘s a show directed by Ben Stiller, where people get a small capsule put in their brain to completely seperate their work life from their personal life. They are basically two different people and they are showing all the moral and practical conflicts that happen due to the severing.
Thank you!
I’m going to have to look it up later
Look for another job ¡!!
True words of wisdom.