Tesla dealerships are getting protested and, in some cases, vandalized. Sales are down on 9 of the top 10 countries Tesla sells in. Yet Tesla stock is up. Twitter is a cesspool of nazi-themed bots, and somehow just pulled in $1bn and raised its valuation back up to $44bn.
How is any of this possible? It seems really artificial to me, but I don’t really understand business.
People have the memory of a goldfish nowadays.
I was alive during the 2000 and 2008 market crashes, but also the 2020 non-crash.
It could be that Tesla really has cracked autonomous driving by summer, as Elon claims, and then they will recover a lot of market value.
But more realistically, as the saying goes, even a dead cat bounces.
Markets never go down in perfect lines. There are dead cat bounces along the way.
Checkout how good their fucking reduction to using only cameras, instead of radar or lidar, line everyone else, is working out
Here is a nice comparison between lidar and Tesla’s solution with only using cameras:
You can clearly see the downsides and why those sensors are just not sufficient in any way for a self driving car
He really says that??
He must be sooo desperate LMAO
He’s been saying “fully autonomous” by next year for literally like 10 years, lol. Short memories indeed.
I believed in him since like 2001. I stopped believing in him by 2015.
I just never heard that he announced it like 3 months from now! 🤣
Isn’t it the same with the Jehovah’s witnesses announcing the end of the world in 3 years, then in 2, then in 1, and then… silence?
But of course he will never be able to do that:
to be fair what they’ve built is amazing, and good enough for 80-90% of the time. but it needs to be 99.9999% of the time and thats not this year. they will release something of course, and rely on remote human intervention, and many people will die. but the media wont mention it and the statistics will be buried, and when it rains or is foggy or too hot etc millions will all be stranded.
What they’ve achieved is irrelevant. They’re never gonna achieve 99.999% with standard cameras + AI for decades. Elon can’t magically manifest the safety of Lidar through hopes and prayers; yet he believes he can, so the only logical conclusion is that he’s a complete fucking moron con artist, only skilled at separating people from their money.
If you don’t understand this yet, print me out some examples of your best code, and email me a list of your top accomplishments from the last week!
The idea that many people will die in Tesla Autopilot accidents and the media won’t mention it is laughable.
I hope that no one will die, but if they do, the media will be all over it. It’s way too high profile. He might be able to bury the statistics, since those are mostly under the control of the federal government.
I agree with @Num10ck@lemmy.world – Tesla did some amazing things, and really paved the way for electric vehicles (especially vehicle charging infrastructure). But they went too fast and quality went down and they’re trying to make up for it by Magats buying to support Trump.
Tesla is already the most deadly car brand, but why aren’t the media already “all over it”? What makes you think it will be any different with autopilot? https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/tesla-highest-rate-deadly-accidents-study-1235176092/
They’re behind other manufacturers in some ways: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IQJL3htsDyQ