I have the self-control of a rock.
It doesn’t! The shell is part of the turtle, they can’t leave their shell like a hermit crab.
(Source: been there, wondered that)
You were a turtle all the way down?
Which is why fuck those channels that pick stuff off turtle shells. They are usually glued on and removed for clicks, and it damages the shell which the turtle can feel
The shell is basically a modified set of ribs. It IS the turtle.
Now let’s talk about how they fuck.
They get their plastr on
Why would you use your phone like a peasant, when you already have a computer right in front of you?
If it’s a work pc I try my hardest not to use it for anything but work. You just never know.
I don’t want IT to have my weird search history
Phones just become part of the self, something a pc can never do.
Because I like neck ache
I imagine it’s kinda like a fingernail
It pretty much is, yeah. Or like horns
trying to concentrate on school/work
🧠: “I wonder what the best bloodtinge weapon in Bloodborne is. Maybe it would be a fun build? Can you respec? You should look that up. Right now.”
Chikage if I remember correctly, but I always found Simon’s bowblade more fun. I am however one of the very few people who likes the rifle spear, so my opinion is trash.
Somewhere between Logo and Bash.
I like that he couldn’t look that up on the Big Internet and instead had to use the Little Internet.
No, this just shows one of the current blights of today. People being peasants on their phones when they should just use the computer in front of them. Why look at the world through a keyhole, when you could see it through a large picture window.
That’s what I was poking fun at. My wife is the same - she only uses the computer for things like work and editing large documents, and uses her phone for everything else. Different people have different preferences, and that’s totally fine.
I figured it was because the “Big Internet” was the work computer and he didn’t want to look up non-work things on there for obvious reasons.
But maybe that’s just because this is me in the comic.