I don’t know if I’d want to live in the UFP. Post-dominion war (and during it) it gets a bit dystopian. And of the time periods depicted, there’s only a pretty narrow window where they’re not at war with at least one major power. Specifically after the khitomer accords are signed and prior to the encounter with the Borg. So, really only a 70 year period. And even then, there’s a cold war with the Romulans.
That galaxy is largely hostile and while a lot of UFP citizens are able to live in blissful ignorance, I’m not sure I’d enjoy that.
I’m on season 6 of DS9. I remember thinking about how fucked up it was that Sisko
Tap for spoiler
gases that maquis planet, but now he’s just falsified evidence to pull the romulans into the war (and Garak had a senator killed, to really sell it). The worst part is that the federation approved of the forgery.
You know, I’d be alright as a pegasus
Though living in the utopian society that is the United Federation of Planets would be nice too
I don’t know if I’d want to live in the UFP. Post-dominion war (and during it) it gets a bit dystopian. And of the time periods depicted, there’s only a pretty narrow window where they’re not at war with at least one major power. Specifically after the khitomer accords are signed and prior to the encounter with the Borg. So, really only a 70 year period. And even then, there’s a cold war with the Romulans.
That galaxy is largely hostile and while a lot of UFP citizens are able to live in blissful ignorance, I’m not sure I’d enjoy that.
I’m on season 6 of DS9. I remember thinking about how fucked up it was that Sisko
Tap for spoiler
gases that maquis planet, but now he’s just falsified evidence to pull the romulans into the war (and Garak had a senator killed, to really sell it). The worst part is that the federation approved of the forgery.
Yeah he went full on evil that season