Some parts of the world went 60 years in the 20th century without capitalists. Maybe not such a wild world, right? We just can do a bit better next time
I’d rather have a democratic state controlling the means of production for the most part than anarchosyndicalism. You don’t see me crying abour “anarkiddies” in every post minimally related to leftism. Turn off the red scare brain, we have literal fascists in our governments.
If only people would stop pretending those fantasy words had any resemblance to reality.
Honestly, society would be much better if marxists, anarchists, and etc just converted into delusional Star Wars fans or something like that.
Some parts of the world went 60 years in the 20th century without capitalists. Maybe not such a wild world, right? We just can do a bit better next time
Where is that “it’s real communism if” flowchart with the “do the workers own the means of production” test? It’s needed here.
So, passing a semantics test is what’s needed to call oneself communist and to try to improve the lives of everyone?
“People owning the means of production” versus “the State owning everything and dictating the life of everybody” is a semantics test now?
I’d rather have a democratic state controlling the means of production for the most part than anarchosyndicalism. You don’t see me crying abour “anarkiddies” in every post minimally related to leftism. Turn off the red scare brain, we have literal fascists in our governments.