Your work & sacrifice is appreciated.
Ohhh, I get it - who doesn’t like “getting hammered” with the (a bit raggedy) guys!
Your work & sacrifice is appreciated.
Ohhh, I get it - who doesn’t like “getting hammered” with the (a bit raggedy) guys!
(It’s not ‘like French but down under’, it’s a light kiss to the exposed naked ankle (so lewd!!!) … but by an Australian snek)
I’ll have the same as well, please.
… as Shelobs sex-slave hopefully …
I would totally retire to Majula, pet the kitty, befriend the blacksmiths daughter.
I would just sit by the lake, enjoying the rain ripples on the water, and listen to the soundtrack.
Cum, let’s do some friendship!
Shrek fans transforming into (fireproof?) asses …
More gay porn Twatter feed pics or it didn’t happen.
Grow up (enough) and adjusting your pp becomes a chore.
… that is def not my case, openSUSE is saving me a lot of time.
I’ve switched all my fiends & family (desktops) to Tumbleweed like 5 years ago bcs I don’t have to do any maintenance ever (not even customisation at the beginning, beyond setting them accounts). It has always been stable with exception that they only became “almost” out-of-the-box gaming friendly only in recent year or two.
Tumbleweed is just there, always updated, and feels nice. Oh, it’s not the quickest boot maybe?
Previously (15+ years, maybe 20 my parents) I had my family on Debians/Ubuntus which were stable but always very fiddly to distro upgrade, I don’t even remember what went wrong with old Fedora, but I changed it back in less than a year (almost 10 years ago, not relevant).
“Even” US army forces were ordered to commit atrocities (for the usefulness of terror ot for the quick fix/shortcut of it), but some units did them in their own (that command may or may not have found out later about). It’s just that war is chaos, & fog of war very real and a tool. The logistics of war are insane & at every level there are just individual people prone to people things.
Propaganda paints a picture for you and the tool to flight it is knowledge.
The worst part is when someone triggers the emergency brakes at high speed and all the cum gets forced to the front of the train - that is when the laser-like leaks of highly pressurised cum cut down everything in a 1km radius.
It literally might - the stereo audio sensing gets more vertical data (that the brain can combine with visual data into a more fully 3D understanding of things).
It’s the same how you (I mean eg cats) move your head from side to side while judging the distances or shapes of the objects slightly further away.
Just a sensor adjustment to literally receive more data on the subject/object from various pov-s.
They wouldn’t do this for far away objects.
It’s crepe …
… wait, how are French crepes served? Brb.