My first trial (after 2 months) was installing something that was not on the software manger. With installation instructions writen for Arch. That needed Python to work. It stops feeling like windows real quick then :-)
A buddhist vegan goth with questionable humour.
My first trial (after 2 months) was installing something that was not on the software manger. With installation instructions writen for Arch. That needed Python to work. It stops feeling like windows real quick then :-)
I’ve used Windows 10 since it’s release. I had to reset it twice because I had a virus, which very much was my misstake. Other than that it did just work fine.
I’ve switched to Mint 2 months ago and I am troubleshooting a lot. Most of that comes from inexpeariance, but the point still stands.
Windows is more or less stable most of the time.
I get this, I have limited time and it realy only works “out of the box” on the surface. Still, so get it’s been worth putting in the effort.
I did that 2 moths ago and rarley boot into windows any longer. It’s a learning curve for sure, and I’m at the bottom part of it, but it feels nice to expand your knowledge bit by bit.
Total War: Warhammer 3. I play it more or less exclusively with a buddy in multiplayer. Been playing since part 1 came out. I love how the addition of magic and flying creatures changed the Total War formula up, the immense size of the map, the mixture of races.
Rimworld with a couple of hundert mods is still at the top, although I tend to let it rest for some months before I pick it up again.
Baldurs Gate 3 and Divinity Original Sin 2 are my favourite RPG games.
Used to play Skyrim with a bassilion mods a LOT and love it for the hours of enjoyment, but after so many years I have possibility played enoth of it… But who knows, might feel the itch and spend 48 hours trying to get every mod to run just to stop playing after one hour again at some point.
Loved the Mass Effect Triology. Only did one playtrough, that was intens and great.
Binding of Isaac is still my go to for a quick 30 minutes gaming session when I feel like it. I realy suck at it too, so after 12 years there’s still a lot left to do.
This one is ironic because the macho-mindset of needing to be STRONG and therefor only consuming hard stuff is realy American interpretation of manhood in itself.