Dane-ish, although the pattern doesn’t really apply to the Brittish. Britons - Brittish - idk man language is hard
Dane-ish, although the pattern doesn’t really apply to the Brittish. Britons - Brittish - idk man language is hard
Ah, ok - that makes more sense. What was the goal? Simply a realm for debate?
So, and correct me if I’m misunderstanding you, but you - from a series of echo chambers - managed to come to the conclusion that those trapped in echo chambers can’t be convinced they’re wrong?
Am I reading that correctly?
You should probably… idk, actually read what they said.
Treating everyone you disagree with like they’re stupid is coping emotionally. Instead of taking the time to, idk discuss things with people they’ve written them off as dumb before they ever speak to them.
Yes, approaching discourse this way and believing that you can achieve any kind of middle ground is delusional.
Interesting, how did everyone else’s perspectives change (or at least what you can remember)? I’m really curious, the more you share about it the less skeptical and more interested I become.