After all, you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.
After all, you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.
It’s a Lord of the Rings reference. Here’s an explanation:
It’s a code phrase to identify other Redditors in real life. If you ask someone, “When does the narwhal bacon?” they answer, “At midnight.” Then you both know you are part of the cool secret Reddit club.
It started in this thread. A user was bored at an airport and tried to identify other traveling Reddit users for fun.
Stand on the tracks to summon the train.
And my axe!
Sometimes I miss the ol’ switcheroo. That was a fun way to take a random walk through a bunch of communities I would never normally visit.
Wait, you guys have trains?
Product designer/engineer in the US
If the team is going out to lunch to celebrate a special occasion, then a single drink has always been fine in the teams I worked with. I don’t partake anymore because it makes me really sleepy in the afternoon.
I worked at one company that hosted a weekly happy hour. I was one of the employees who took turns setting up the kegs in the common room, and pouring drinks during the event. That was a fun place. The extra social time really improved some working relationships. And we got a surprising amount of productive work done just by talking for an hour or two while standing around sipping microbrews and wine.