Oddburger is fantastic!
Oddburger is fantastic!
Where are all the MAGA anti-pedo’s? Seems like it’s just crickets when these cases come up within MAGA, but they are raiding inncocent pizza places without a basement chasing conspiracy theories.
I barely considered it a democracy as a two party system as the elites controlled it all, but now it’s just even more messed up. They need to hold people accountable and not elect criminals to office.
I fear for the future of America as a country.
What should have happened in America and what is actually happening are two different things.
What about new games, like world of warcraft.
Do Canadians want Trump lite, because this is how you get a Trump lite.
It’s like an asshole registry, lol. Anyone with a Tesla built in the last year has no excuse.
Reddit will ban anything and everything except right wing bullshit.
Tesla is losing a pile of cash, anyone know how low it needs to go until Musk is going to get a margin call and the whole thing comes crumbling down? He has leveraged himself to the max.
Trump’s pea brain has moved on to other stuff, he will be busy in middle East and try to pretend he never did this tariff nonsense.
If US automakers move out, Canada will just move another brand in, Honda, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes, lots of options. There will be a huge opening in the truck market too.
We are currently looking at a new truck and had decided on a Ford F150, just waiting until summer, but now, the decision process has reopened, and I will be considering any non-US made truck. Just need alot of towing capacity which seems to be the catch…
Lol, that was short lived. Just a reminder that PP will do the same, he will talk big before the election and then cave first chance he gets.