The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • Entirely possible, dunno. And not like a 3090 is that new anymore either.

    Basically all of the issues mentioned above have been mentioned in various threads over at nvidia’s forums, etc. So they’re not unknown, but kinda wild a released driver has all of these issues whereas the previous beta was seemingly unaffected - feels like someone was bit too triggerhappy to release an untested version to production.

    It’d be nice if I could just drop the nvidia card and swap to amdgpu but… that’d require “a bit” of money so I could maintain same (or better) level of performance - and atm I just don’t want to spend that kind of money. :/

  • rtx3090, 5800x3d, wayland, sddm, kde:

    • whole system freezes on boot (with somewhat garbled display) when display manager starts (sddm) - IF >1 displays are plugged in/powered on.
    • no issues if sddm starts with one display, and THEN powering up second. - But this has to be done while in sddm, before logging in.
    • whole system can (with high chance) freeze again on desktop if at any point a screens are connected/disconnected
    • krunner works exactly once, after that it logs errors in journal that some display reference is wrong (the exact wording escapes me atm)

    all these things were fine with 570.86.something - the previous version, which apparently was beta.

  • the character models were as weird looking as you’d expect from the era

    Oh sure! Love the lowpoly/pre-rendered backgrounds aesthetic. The aliasing thing I mentioned earlier is just a “petpeeve” of mine, I can’t stand the jagged edges / lack of antialiasing. The rough pixel edges of the modes look so out of place when the pre-rendered backgrounds are so smoothly antialiased.

    Though, there’s an argument to be made that when playing in modern high resolution, the character models are a lot sharper than the upscaled/blurry backgrounds :D

    Some of the puzzles are obtuse to the extreme, and silly. There’s one that’s almost legendarily bad, so it has that bit of history if you’re interested lol.

    I guess same goes for pretty much every point&click adventure game, sometimes you just need to be in the same “headspace” as the puzzle designer to get it, otherwise you just don’t.

    But, sure I’m down for some history of a bad puzzle! I love obscure tidbits of old games.

  • same deal, favorites change according to mood, but there are overall few mainstays:

    Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis.

    It’s a childhood favorite I return to every now and then. It’s a point&click adventure, and to me it’s essentially the 4th (and last) Indiana Jones movie. :D

    Apart from one or two bad bits the game pulls, it’s otherwise pretty logical from start to finish. 3 different paths from mid to late game, and mostly good voice acting (for the time). I know the game by heart at this point, but still it feels fun to play, every time. Nostalgia-goggles probably play a big part.

    kinda spoilery descriptions of said bad bits
    • there’s a “puzzle” where you need to go back and forth trading items between 2 characters, until eventually some hint from the recipient drops. Not hard, just… tedious.
    • the hot air balloon controls are bad. Not impossible to use, but just imprecise for no real gameplay reason.
    • if you didn’t LOOK at one specific Atlantean cupboard’s door, you have no clue how to solve a later puzzle. Though, you can return to the cupboard, but nothing hints there being instructions for the later puzzle on it.

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I know it’s a divisive game, don’t care, works for me. The bleak vibes of the game just speak to me. Have played it through several times since launch, occasionally still find new things here and there. Not the deepest rpg around, but a good action-rpg with neonlights.

    Unnamed Space Idle

    I’ve been on this idle/timewaster for way over a year, slow progress raising the numbers all the time. Sure it’s a bit low on gameplay, but absolutely neat little game to occasionally click few times when watching some longform content or so.