That’s the general conservative mindset. It’s why lies work so well on them, get them to believe the lie and they’ll never let it go.
That’s the general conservative mindset. It’s why lies work so well on them, get them to believe the lie and they’ll never let it go.
I take the light rail into work from the suburbs of Seattle into downtown. Trains run every 7-8 minutes. They’re expanding it in all directions now. Only downside is that a lot of homeless ride the train because it’s cold as heck on the streets. That’s a societal problem though, not an issue with the train.
Most people don’t hate BMW’s or their drivers, it’s a joke that they’re all stuck up a-holes. There’s similar jokes for people driving Tesla’s being oblivious (fascists too now lol), Nissan Altima drivers being incredibly reckless, Prius’ for always going 15 under the limit in the passing lane, etc.
I saw an e46 323 for $2000 yesterday, it’s also a cheap option here.
I’m with you that my favorite changes with my mood but probably final fantasy tactics. Story is great, graphics have aged like wine, great variation in play styles, the death cries of my enemies will always play like music to me.
Don’t feel bad. I’m a man in the USA working in a corporate office. When my son was born I took my time off and it was fantastic for bonding with my son and helping my wife out. Honestly IDK how so many women do it alone.
I’d feel worse about making my wife work extra hard than my colleagues… That said, the person covering my area screwed everything up so badly I decided it was better to find a new job vs fix it. So I took my three months, worked a week and put in my notice and got paid out for another two months of accrued leave.
Exactly what I was thinking. While it’s a great headline the article is nonsense. What about early access? Did those players play any new games? How much time was spent afk? Were those old games new purchases? This is a cherry picked statistic and almost certainly doesn’t paint a clear picture or tell any story except “live service games work”