None of those herbs look like basil…
Hey, I heard no complaints from my dinner guests when I made my pesto out of nightshade and hemlock!
that’s not pesto, and the traditional pasta sauce made from nightshades still has basil in it
Haha, it occured to me that delishous foods and deadly, deadly poisons belong in the same family. I meant to imply I murdered my guests with deadly nightshade leaves. But of course, had this not been a joke, this toxic blend would include basil— for taste.
okay but you can still make a delicious sauce from nightshade fruits.
Well at least they tried, no? Next time, they’ll make a slightly less worse pesto, and soon, they’ll make an edible one!
Gotta start with having not half dead basil…
pretty sure mission technically accomplished, as per the pic.
It’s looking a little… brown for basil
basil can get that brown, but I’m not aware of a variety that has serrated leaves like the plant on the left, and purple basil has much more oval leaves than the plant on the right. the short plants are too low-res to decipher for sure but are, I hope, cilantro.
Using cilantro to make pesto certainly sounds like a recipe for cereal for dinner 😅
Skill issue
The problem is you made pesto😁
Try making something that tastes better to start with.
Never stop trying to make stuff yourself with things you grow yourself.
EDIT: boy I am getting burnt for this comment. Lesson learnt.
Blasphemy! Pesto is amazing
Pesto is delicious as long as you make it with basil instead of the random leaves you find
Pesto can be made with a lot of different herbs and still taste delicious. Basil is just for pesto genovese, there are lots of other types.
Pesto hate? Who hates pesto? That shit is delicious
Some people just taste things differently.
To me, Avo tastes like nothing. Same with tofu, no taste at all. If you blindfold me, I could not tell the difference until I explored the texture.
Broccoli is amazing though, as are grilled brussel sprouts.
Yet some leafy greens that people put in salads taste like the weeds in my parents back yard.
Its like different levels of colour blindness, we have taste blindness as well.
i hate pesto because it needs pine nuts, which are the bougiest shit known to mankind
I shamelessly substitute with cashews. Italians have no jurisdiction in my kitchen
I eat my bougie foods straight out of the can, it’s how I know they’re high quality.
I gotta nominate the coffee literally and meticulously gathered from large cat shits for bougiest shit known. I mean, pine nuts are expensive but you can make a lot of pesto with just a small package of them and basil you grow at home in a windowsill.
hey, so, um, I would like to challenge you to a duel, please. graciously awaiting your response.
I only accept duels in insult sword fighting. Do you know the rules?
as long as one of us doesn’t survive, im down.
Don’t worry, downvotes don’t matter, it’s just funny to me how many people were offended by your views on pesto 😂
I’d probably get downvoted to hell for the stuff I’ve made that I call pesto, like using peanuts, spinach and sunflower oil instead of pine nuts, basil and olive oil.The problem is less about them disliking pesto, and more about them saying something along the lines of “all pesto is bad”
This includes your… interesting… rendition of
Main reason is that I’m poor, or perhaps stingy depending on how you view it, and olive oil, basil and pine nuts aren’t exactly as cheap as the replacement ingredients. Obviously the product is entirely different. Most of the time I also replace cheese with nutritional yeast.
So yeah, I wouldn’t call it pesto, but heavily inspired by it. A pesto-like perhaps.
as long as what you’re growing is edible
All plants are edible once, it’s whether you live to the next meal that’s kinda iffy.
the edible once thing i’d call eatable instead of edible
The lesson: People find your views on pesto reprehensible.
The other parts about continuing to make one’s own food are ok though.
But pesto is so… Well not bad.
It’s kinda meh IMO
Pretty good on the right kind of pizza though… Sometimes. It’s gotta have pineapple or anchovies to really tie it all together.
I prefer alfredo sauce, straight out of the jar. Store brand if possible.